About Us
The Geranium & Pelargonium Society of Western Australia Inc. was founded in 1959.
To encourage the culture and development of Pelargoniums in pots and gardens. To raise awareness of caring for the environment while caring for our plants. To promote Pelargoniums as water-wise plants. To provide opportunities for members to meet and socialise with others who share similar interests. |
Commence at 10.30 am on the third Monday of each month at the Guide Hall. Corner Stock & Kitchener Roads, Melville. Talks on various garden-oriented topics. Advice from experienced growers. Plants and cuttings often available for sale to members. Raffle table, including cuttings, each meeting. OUTINGS Visits to gardens or garden centres once or twice a year. Lunches at Bentley Pines Restaurant TAFE twice a year. LIBRARY This is well-stocked; books may be borrowed by members on a strictly one month basis with a deposit of $5 per book. GROWING GUIDE Based on combined knowledge of our many members over 50 plus years. Cost: $5 AFFILIATIONS The Western Australian Horticultural Council Inc. Garden Clubs of Australia. |